Unit 138 - 2025 Corydon Avenue, Winnipeg
March 7 - 28, 2024
My practice deals with exploring specific natural and architectural spaces and reframing these spaces through the embodiment of a different set of senses, memories, and imagination. Anchored in my own memories and perceptions, my paintings are manifestations of this transient nature of space and its elements from which I hope a viewer can extract their own experience unrestricted by the barriers between the real and the surreal.
The Green Series and Garden Harmonies I present are collections of paintings that reimagine images of architectural spaces, gardens, and indoor environments, offering viewers a refreshing sense of greenery, tranquility, and contemplation within the urban landscape. With the debut solo exhibition at Mayberry Fine Art titled "Spring is Almost Here," I hope to infuse the cityscape with the rejuvenating essence of nature's vibrant hues, and evoke warm whispers of spring for the viewers in Winnipeg where spring is upon us.